ICT HCTS takes a great responsibility when our products are implemented at your location. When you purchase Mosos, MososNXT CTG, PregnaOne or Stan S41 you also receive the education and hands-on training, tailored to guarantee a safe and professional use of our products.

In addition, we are happy to keep all users up to date and train new users of our products. 

For Stan products you can also participate in the CTG Academy via ICT HCTS. This includes case reviews and advanced CTG and ECG analysis at regular Masterclass events where you also get to meet other members of the Stan community. Neoventa’s e-learning module of the Academy is easily accessible and in-depth. 

All training courses are aimed at all users of our products: clinical staff recording and reviewing CTGs, IT departments and technical service providers. 

For enquiries about training, contact your Account Manager or one of our offices on our contact page

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